Composition – The Basics Of Photography By Tony Gale

Composition - The Basics Of Photography By Tony Gale
Composition – The Basics Of Photography By Tony Gale

Tony Gale is an award winning portrait photographer shooting for a range of advertising, editorial and corporate clients. Tony was raised in Bellingham, Washington (90 miles north of Seattle) and spent most of his time as a child exploring the woods behind his parents’ house. At 19 after visiting Bruce Lee’s grave in Seattle, and taking his first photo with a disposable camera, he bought his first camera. He promptly broke it and bought his first SLR. At 21 he moved to Seattle to pursue photography and in fall of 2000 moved to NYC, the center of the world.

Tony has taught photographic lighting at FIT in NYC and Parsons the New School for Design, judged photo contests, and has travelled the country leading workshops for American Photographic Artists.

One of the key elements to creating impactful images is knowing the principles of photography composition. Sony Artisan of Imagery Tony Gale returns for part 3 of our Basics of Photography series to discuss how composition plays into the overall appeal of a photo. From portraits to still life to landscape, we will talk about some common techniques for placement within the frame, such as the rule of thirds and leading lines.