What Is Colour Blocking Photography And 7 Awesome Ideas To Encourage You For Colour Block Photography

The use of colour blocking in photography might be challenging. The photography method known as “color blocking” is based on the idea that more striking images are more effective. Utilizing colours that are bright and lively is the most important thing. You decide on two or three colours and utilise each of them quite heavily. The colours almost leap out of the photo, and they are so vibrant that you can practically hear them. Photography using colour blocking is not for the faint of heart. It’s a photographic style that believes that being bold is better. There is no place

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10 Tips For Using Vibrant Colors For Colorful Photography

Vibrant colors are easy to find, especially during the warmer months. This is a great excuse to deepen your knowledge of colors, photography, and how they work together. For The Best Results, Adjust Your Camera Settings Pay attention to your white balance when you photograph vibrant colors. The wrong adjustment will make your photos look unflattering. Or it can turn a simple color into a completely different one. There’s no perfect formula for white balance. It all depends on where you shoot. If you’re working with warm artificial light, you’ll have to make your photos look colder. Most cameras come

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What Is A RAW File Format In Photography And 8 Reasons To Shoot RAW Photos

Somewhere on your photography journey, you have heard the advice: shoot in raw. You may be wondering, will shooting raw make your photos better? In this article, we will explore what raw photography is. We will also give you eight reasons why you should be shooting in it. What Is A RAW File? Raw is a generic term that refers to an uncompressed unprocessed file format. This is the file created by your camera that includes the most information it is capable of collecting from a scene. This information includes the range of light, the light’s temperature, and the variety

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What Is High-Speed Photography And 9 Cool Tricks For High-Speed Photography

If you want to freeze a moment, you can take a photo and capture the scene for eternity. But what if you want to photograph something that happens in the blink of an eye? High-speed photography means taking pictures of actions that happen in a fraction of a second. Activities that are so fast that you are not able to see them with your eyes alone. For instance, when a balloon bursts or an object splashes into the water. Everything happens in a second, and you cannot see the actual action. But your camera can. You only need to learn

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What Is Micro, Macro And Close-Up Photography?

So what is the difference between macro, micro, and close-up photography? Is there one? Are they all the same? In our article, you’ll learn the differences between these three photography types. And we’ll also show you which equipment can help you with each. What Is Close-Up Photography? The term ‘close-up photography’ has no scientific definition. It generally means any photo that shows the subject closer and in more detail than we’re used to. So what does a close-up do? You can apply it to crop a headshot, a flower stamen, or even the moon. It’s not so much about the

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A Life Of Photography | An Interview Of Steve Mccurry

Since more than thirty years ago, Steve McCurry has been one of the most famous characters in modern photography. Steve will come talk to us about his life as a photographer as part of the Boardwalk Gallery show. McCurry has produced remarkable photographs on six continents and in countless nations. His body of work encompasses wars, fading civilizations, old customs, and current society, but always preserves the human aspect that made his picture of the Afghan girl so potent. McCurry has won some of the most prestigious honours, including the Robert Capa Gold Medal, the National Press Photographers Award, and

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Mastering Color: The Psychology Of The Color Blue And Its Use In Photography

As one of the three primary colors in traditional colour theory and the RGB colour model, blue’s greatest impact is in its capacity to convey strong emotion. Painter Vincent van Gogh once said “I never get tired of the blue sky”, his fascination proving integral to many of his most famous paintings. In this article, we’ll have a detailed look at the history of blue in visual arts and what it means for your photography. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF BLUEColor has a profound effect on our psychology. Rayleigh scattering, an optical phenomenon that causes the sea and sky to appear blue,

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15 Tips For Taking Beautiful Horse Photography

Unlike other pet photography, horses require quite a different approach when photographed. Horses are some of the most beautiful animals in the world. They have majestic movements and a graceful presence. As such, these magnificent beasts make lovely subjects for photographers. Here are our top tips for horse photography! Become Comfortable With Horses Animals pick up on your emotions, especially intuitive creatures as horses. Your response to them will affect their response to you. You have to remember that horses are prey animals. If you are acting uncomfortable, fearful, or anxious, they will become nervous as well. This is a

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What Is Candid Photography And 10 Techniques For Better Candid Photography

There is a big misconception that candid photography is about hiding and waiting in the bushes. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You can get close, engage your subjects, and still take advantage of candid photography techniques. WHAT DOES CANDID PHOTOGRAPHY MEAN? The first crucial question to ask is what is candid photography? Candid photography is any type of photography that is real and in the moment. There is no posed picture, no fake smiles. Only real, genuine feelings. The subjects may know you are there photographing them. But they are not taken out of the moment by the

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Travel Photography: What, When, Why And How To Take Images

Mixing different types of photography with travel can give us a lot of opportunities for experimenting and taking our passion to levels that could only exist, due to traveling. Many people who have started to take Photography seriously, have eventually stumbled into one huge dilemma. The eternal inquiry that is simple to ask, but pretty difficult to answer and reduces itself to defining the inner voice, or the personal style.

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